1. 具有轨道缺陷的车轨耦合系统非平稳随机响应的高效数值方法研究. 辽宁省自然科学基金, 2017, 主持.
2. 扭线回弹量数字建模和仿真. 欧姆龙自动化(中国)有限公司, 2023, 主持.
3. 振动微网雾化片有限元模型建立与修正. 青岛未来移动医疗科技有限公司, 2023, 主持.
4. 新型跨座式单轨、广州、青岛、北京、成都和新加坡等动车组或地铁车体静强度、刚度、疲劳及模态仿真分析(共13项). 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司, 主要完成人.
5. 高速铁路动车组精细化建模及全弹性动力性能仿真分析. 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司, 2022, 主要完成人.
6. 更高速度车体振动加速度时频域特性仿真分析. 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司, 2021, 参与.
7. 郑州、北京、成都和重庆等动车组或地铁车体静强度、刚度、疲劳及模态仿真分析(共4项). 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司, 参与.
8. 丹大、哈大动车组车轮静态测试. 中国铁道科学研究院, 2016, 参与.
1. Zhang, Jian; Gao, Qiang ;Wu, Feng ;Zhong,
Wan-Xie.A linear complementarity method for the solution of vertical
vehicle–track interaction.Vehicle System Dynamics,2018,56(2):281-296.
2. Jian Zhang, Yan Zhao, Ya-hui Zhang, You-wei
Zhang, Wan-xie Zhong. Identification of the power spectral density of
vertical track irregularities based on inverse pseudo excitation method and
symplectic mathematics method. Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering.
2014, 22(2):334-350. (SCI)
3. Jian Zhang, Yan Zhao, Ya-hui Zhang,
Xue-song Jin, Wan-xie Zhong, Frederic Williams and David Kennedy.
Nonstationary random vibration of a coupled vehicle-slab track system using a
parallel algorithm based on the pseudo excitation method. Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid
Transit. 2013, 227(3): 203-216. (SCI)
4. Jian Zhang, Qiang Gao, Shu-jun Tan,
Wan-xie. Zhong. A precise integration method for solving coupled
vehicle-track dynamics with nonlinear wheel-rail contact. Journal of Sound
and Vibration, 2012, 331(21): 4763–4773. (SCI)
5. Qiang Gao,Jian Zhang. Analytical
solutions for a mass moving along a finite stretched string with random
surface irregularities,Journal of Sound and
Vibration, 2016, 371:305-320. (SCI )
6. Qiang Gao, Jian Zhang, Hong-wu Zhang,
Wan-xie Zhong. The analytical solutions for the wave propagation in a
stretched string with a moving mass. Wave Motion, 2015, 59:1-28. (SCI)
7. Qiang Gao, Jian Zhang, Hong-wu Zhang,
Wan-xie Zhong. The exact solutions for a point mass moving along a stretched
string on a Winkler foundation. Shock and Vibration, 2014, vol. 2014, Article
ID 136149:1-11. (SCI)
8. 张健, 赵岩, 张亚辉, 钟万勰. 基于逆虚拟激励法的垂向轨道不平顺功率谱识别. 计算力学学报, 2013, 30(2):187-191.
9. 张健, 谭述君, 吴昌华. 车辆-轨道非线性耦合动力学的精细积分法及其应用. 振动与冲击, 2012, 31(8): 5-10.(EI)
10. 张健, 金学松, 肖新标, 温泽峰, 吴昌华. 车辆-轨道耦合动力学钢轨模型求解方法.交通运输工程学报.
2011, 11(2): 32-38. (EI)
11. 张健, 吴昌华, 肖新标, 温泽峰, 金学松.轨枕空吊对轨枕动态性能的影响. 西南交通大学学报,2010, 45(2): 203-208.
12. Jian Zhang, Qiang Gao, Feng Wu, Wan-Xie
Zhong. A new method for calculating wheel-rail normal contact. The 9th
International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel systems,
2012, Chengdu, China.
13. Li-ping Sun, Jian Zhang, Jun Zhang.
Analyses on wheel-rail contact using finite element method during passing
through curved track. International Conference on Measuring Technology and
Mechatronics Automation, 2009, Zhangjiajie, China. (EI)
14. 张健, 高强, 钟万勰. 移动载荷作用下弹性梁动态响应的高精度计算方法. 中国力学大会,
15. 张健, 张有为, 吴昌华. 扣件失效对车辆-轨道耦合系统非平稳随机响应的影响. 中国力学大会, 2011, 哈尔滨.
16. 吴昌华, 张健. 机车曲线通过时轮轨接触问题有限元分析. 中国力学大会,
2007, 北京.